Resurrection Catholic Church

Current News

Parish Secretary Job Posting

We are currently accepting applications for the Resurrection Parish Secretary position. This position requires about 10-12 hours per week with the main tasks as follows:

Administrative tasks

Preparation of the weekly parish bulletin, Prayer of the Faithful intentions, and pulpit announcements 

Preparation of funeral worship aids

Maintain parish website and Facebook page postings

Maintain parish files (hard copy and electronic)

Maintain office supplies and technology as needed


Ability to understand the Catholic Church mission and social teachings

Knowledge and experience in office procedures and the use of MS Excel/MS Word/Publisher

Ability to cooperatively work with small groups of volunteers in a professional manner

If interested, please complete the application and mail it to:

Resurrection Parish Office

Attn: Wayne Sovinski

PO Box 96

Allenton, WI 53002

"Zeal For the Lord's House"

St. Francis de Sales Seminary Capital Campaign

Brochures with additional information and for your donation/pledge consideration are available at the church entrances.

Emmaus Scholarship

Eligible high school seniors are encouraged to apply for the $1,500 Emmaus Scholarship. Click here for details and to access the scholarship application. Deadline for submission is March 31.


Take the time to learn more about your Catholic Faith this Lent, because if you Learn it, then you can Live it; and if you Live it, you will Love it; and if you Love it, you will never Leave it!

Lenten Day of Reconciliation for Dodge/Washington County

At St. Peter Church on Wednesday, April 9, 2025

From 9am - 6 pm (nine hours) for the Sacrament of Reconciliation; multiple confessors available throughout the day.

Pray, Reconcile, and Rejoice!

Click here for other locations and more resources.

Pray the Rosary before Mass

During Lent, consider coming to church earlier to pray the Rosary with us and make it part of your Lenten journey. The Rosay will begin at 6:05 p.m. on Saturdays and at 8:05 a.m. on Sundays.

Liturgical Ministry Volunteers Needed!

YOU are Christ's body and individually parts of it. (Corinthians 12:27) 

Accept God's invitation this Lent! PLEASE think about becoming more active in Jesus' Church!

Greeters are especially needed at Masses. It's easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Smile and say Hello
  2. Help with Offertory Collection
  3. Hand out bulletins

If you are ready to add to the success of OUR  church by joining our group of greeters, Eucharistic Ministers, lectors, choir members or altar servers, see the brochure for details (hard copies available at all church entrances). We offer training to get you started.

The Disciple Maker Formation Program NEEDS YOU!

Our faith formation program thrives because of people like YOU who share their love for Jesus with our youth.

Interested in learning more about the opportunities we have for you? Contact Kaylyn, our Faith Formation Secretary, at to learn more, or to schedule a time to shadow a formation class!

Learn more about the Disciple Maker Formation Program

St. Peter Catholic School

Are you looking for a school reflecting your FAITH, VIRTUES, and EXCELLENT ACADEMICS?  St. Peter Catholic School could be the perfect place for your child (grades 3K – 5th)! Please contact the school office for a tour and/or information folder. Enrollment is open for the 2025-2026 academic year.

School Choice Registration

WOULD YOU LIKE FREE TUITION for attending St. Peter Catholic School? St. Peter Catholic School is participating in School Choice for the 2025-2026 school year for grades 4K - 5th. School Choice registration is available from February 3 - April 17, 2025.  Check it out on SCHOOLCHOICEWI.ORG or click here to register to see if you qualify.

***Please note that once your child is in the School Choice program, your child is in the program until 5th grade regardless of their parents’ income status in the future years.

Mark Your Calendars!

Men of Christ Conference

Attention men: You’re invited to join the 2025 Men of Christ conference—Courage Under Fire—which will be held in parishes across the Archdiocese of Milwaukee—with both virtual and live elements. The morning will feature well-known speakers, Mass, Adoration, Confession and fellowship. Get all the details and register at


When: Saturday, 29 March 2025


Time: 7:05 A.M. Rosary, 7:30 A.M. Mass with program to follow, ends at 1:30 P.M


Click here for Locations and Registration

Recent Bulletin Inserts

See this week's bulletin

Easter/Spring Decorating Donation Form

(March 30th Bulletin Insert)

Print Easter/Spring Decorating Donation Form

The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ:

Palm Sunday, April 13

(March 30th Bulletin Insert)

 April - Be A Saint Newsletter

(March 30th Bulletin Insert)

New Button

St. Peter Blood Drive: April 8

(March 23rd Bulletin Insert)

Pasta Fest: April 13

(March 16th Bulletin Insert)

Upcoming Meetings & Events

Dates to Note:

Saturday, March 29 -  Men of Christ Conference

Monday, March 31 -  Emmaus Scholarship   applications due to the Parish Office.

Tuesday, April 1 - Prayer & Worship Committee meeting at 6:30pm (St. Peter Church Hall Rm 133)

Wednesday, April 2 -

Sunday, April 6 - Confirmation Mass at 2:00pm. Please pray for our 55 Confirmands (St. Peter Church)

Tuesday, April 8 - Blood Drive at St. Peter Church from 1:00-5:30pm (See bulletin insert above)

Wednesday, April 9 -  Pastoral Council meeting following the 6:30pm Mass (Emmaus Center)

Thursday, April 10 -  Barbecue, Bible & Beer at 7pm; Best BBQ Sides with Bill Stolpa of Ney's (St. Lawrence Church Hall)

Sunday, April 13 (Palm Sunday) - 

Thursday, April 24 -  Barbecue, Bible & Beer at 7pm; Blessing of the Bock, Lakefront Brewery (St. Lawrence Church Hall)

All youth and adult formation related information for each month can be found in the Be A Saint Formation Newsletter.

Find a printed copy at the church entrances or view the electronic copy.

Help Us Keep Our Records Current

It is important for the parish office to have up-to-date contact information for all parishioners. Please notify the parish secretary at with any updates to your street address, phone number, and/or email address.

NOTE: If you did not receive the "Lent Begins" email on March 2, we do not have a current email on file for you.

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