Resurrection Catholic Church

Pastoral Council

The purpose of the Pastoral Council is to assist the pastor in fostering the church's mission. Pastoral Council members work together to talk about issues, make decisions and advise the pastor about the best course for the parish to take. The Pastoral Council has the following standing committees: Christian Formation, Human Concerns, Prayer and Worship.

The Pastoral Council is made up of the pastor, trustees who serve 2-year terms, and at least 6 parishioners elected by the parish who serve 3-year terms.

The Pastoral Council meets at 7:00 p.m. (or immediately following the 6:30 p.m. Mass) the second Wednesday of the month at the Emmaus Center.

Pastoral Council Leadership


Mr. John Bingen (2024-2026)

Mr. Wayne Sovinski (2023-2025)

Pastoral Council Members:

Mrs. Cindy Wolf, Chair (2024-2027 - 1st term)

Mrs. Mary Beth Emmer, Vice-Chair (2024-2027 - 1st term)

Mrs. Karin Hug, Secretary (2022-2025 - 1st term)

Mrs. Sandy Hottenroth (2023-2026 - 1st term)

Mr. Dennis Proeber (2023-2026 - 3rd term)

Mr. Kyle Rate (2024-2027 - 2nd term)

Mr. Dennis Wiedmeyer (2022-2025 - 2nd term)

Special Bequests to the Parish

When planning to make arrangements for special bequests to the Parish, our official corporate title is: Congregation of the Resurrection

Pastoral Council Agenda

Pastoral Council Minutes



Under Canon law, every parish is required to have a Finance Council. The purpose of the finance council is to assist the pastor with the administration of the assets of the parish. Finance councils are made up of representatives from the pastoral council, the trustees, and appointees by the pastor. They serve 2-year terms. The finance council assists with financial management of the buildings and grounds, budget, parish cemetery, and personnel. If you have a financial background and would be interested in serving on the Finance Council, please speak with Fr. Rick or one of the parish Trustees.

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