Resurrection Catholic Church

Liturgical Ministries

           New Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Greeters, and Servers are needed and always welcome.








Lector:  Proclaims the Word of God, reads the petitions and announcements.  The ministry of

the Word requires skill in public reading, knowledge of the principles of the liturgy, and an understanding of the scriptures.  A Lector Workbook is provided to help prepare for the readings.

Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist
:  Assists the Priest in the distribution of Holy Communion. 

You must show the greatest reverence to the Most Holy Eucharist in your demeanor, your attire, and the way you handle the consecrated Body and Blood of our Lord.

Greeter / Usher:  You are the welcoming face of Christ as people enter the church.  Welcomes and assists attendees, takes up the Offertory collection, distributes bulletins and checks the pews after Mass.

Altar Server:  Assists the Priest during Mass.  Faith Formation students are encouraged to participate in this ministry; however, adults are also welcome to serve in this role.

Sacristan:  Be part of the team that opens and closes church for Mass, prepares and cleans the sacred vessels and other items that are needed for Mass. (Resurrection & St. Peter)

Music:  As St. Augustine said, "He who sings prays twice".  The purpose of the Music Ministry is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through song.  The ministry is open to all parishioners who desire to

sing and worship the Lord.  It is also open to those who play a musical instrument.

If interested in any of these

Liturgical Ministries,

please contact the parish office:

 Resurrection Church: 262-629-5240

Print Liturgical Ministry Brochure

or pick up a copy of the Liturgical Ministry Brochure at one of our church entrances.

Using your individual gifts of the Spirit is a beautiful way to enhance personal participation at Mass.

We are especially in need of new Greeters and Eucharist Ministers of Jesus' Precious Blood.

Go to the online ministry schedule to sign-up

Ministry Schedule

For more information, to schedule training or for assistance with the online ministry schedule,

contact Cindy Wolf at 262-483-8553.

Ministry Guidelines

Lector Guidelines - Lectors are invited to answer the call to be a minister of the Word or lector proclaiming Bible readings at Mass.

Biblical Pronunciation Guide

Eucharistic Ministers Guidelines - Extraordinary Ministers of Communion distribute Holy Communion or carry Holy Communion to the sick, homebound or hospitalized. The invitation is extended to confirmed Catholics who are following the way of Christian life, faith, and morals.

Greeters Guidelines - Greeters provide an enthusiastic, positive, spiritual, and a friendly welcome to each person entering church before every worship service. Greeters also assist with seating, offertory collection, and distribution of bulletins or other handouts after Mass. Students, adults, and families are invited to serve.

How can you help your parish focus on the MISSION of every parish,


Learn More

Altar Server Society

Altar Servers Guide - Altar Servers light altar candles, carry the processional cross and candles, assist the priest, prepare the altar for the gifts, ring bells during the Eucharistic prayer, and remove items from the altar during Communion. Students in grades 4 and up, as well as adults, are welcome to serve.

Watch the Server Training Video.

Interested in learning more? Contact Fr. Russ Arnett

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