This committee works to prayerfully serve the needs of our parish and community at large to promote and support the needs of people through all stages of life. They support or are involved in the following activities: Care Ministry, Prayer Ministries, Funeral/Bereavement, Slinger Food Pantry collections, Giving Tree in November, Capuchin Hygiene Bag project in May, and the Memorial Mass in November in collaboration with our Tri-Parish Human Concerns committees. If you are interested in this committee, please contact Mary Boden at 262-629-5418.
This is a team of volunteers who visit the ill or homebound to bring the Holy Eucharist along with the love of Christ. They visit and share the Gospel of the Lord. They feel honored to help bring a little joy and the love of the church with them. Training is offered. Call Marg Wiedmeyer at 262-224-7148 if you would like a visit or to join the team of volunteers.
“Shawls…made for centuries, universal and embracing, symbolic of an inclusive, unconditionally loving God. They wrap, enfold, comfort, cover, give solace, mother, hug, shelter and beautify. Those who have received these shawls have been uplifted and affirmed as if given wings to fly above their troubles…” by: Janet Bristow 1998. If you know of someone who would appreciate a prayer shawl, or if you would like to help make shawls, or donate money towards yarn, please contact Kelly Ellenbecker at 262-923-0196.
Resurrection Parish has a Prayer Ministry Team consisting of men and women that will pray daily for people who need extra prayers for any special reason or intention. You are welcome to call the team leader, Monica Fieweger, at 262-629-5713 with any requests and that person will be added to their prayer list. Anyone is welcome to become a new member of the team at any time. Prayers are always appreciated and good for everyone.
The members of this committee assist the family by serving a catered luncheon after a funeral. If you are interested in being on a call list to help out on an ‘as needed’ basis, please contact Marg Wiedmeyer at 262-224-7148.
We are stronger as a community than we are alone. This is a time to gather and get to know others in our faith community to make it a better place for all. Fellowship is held after the Sunday morning Mass on special occasions. Contact Nancy Novotny at 262-629-5905 if you would be interested in helping.
A Memorial Mass is celebrated annually for parishioners who have gone before us in the past year, from Resurrection Parish, St. Lawrence Parish and St. Peter Parish. This event is coordinated annually by the Human Concerns Committees of our cluster parish community. Pictures are from the celebration on Nov. 2, 2024.
We are called to feed the hungry and donating to the Food Pantry is a great way to help. There is a basket in the east entrance of church for donated items. Steve and Monica Fieweger take care of this ministry. If you have questions or suggestions, call them at 262-629-5713.
We also support a number of other organizations with various drives. Watch for details throughout the year.
Seed of Hope Center (Baby Bottle Drive)
Catholic Relief Services (CRS Rice Bowl)
Capuchin Community Services (Emergency Food Pantry Drive and Hygiene Bag Drive)
Slinger Food Pantry (CRS Rice Bowl and Giving Tree)
Samaritan Health Care (Giving Tree)
Interfaith Caregivers (Giving Tree)
Family Promise of Washington County (Giving Tree)
The Human Concerns Committee would like to thank everyone who supported the October 2024 Baby Bottle Drive. Approximately $800 was raised for the Seed of Hope Pregnancy Center in West Bend. They are incredibly grateful for our parish support and prayers.
Those wishing to make an online donation for hurricane relief efforts, can do so at
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