Resurrection Catholic Church

Parish Events

Chili Supper, Basket Raffle and Bake Sale

This annual fund raising event is held on Election Tuesday in November (watch the bulletin and News & Events page for details). If you are interested in helping on the planning committee or volunteering your time at the event, please email Cindy Wolf at and your inquiry will be directed accordingly.

The Chili Supper Committee would like to extend a HUGE THANK YOU to the many people whose helping hands, talents, and various donations made our Nov. 5, 2024 event another great success. We served 262 people in the hall and 367 meals were picked up in the drive-thru and carry-out areas. Profits were $5,3247 from the Chili Supper, $522 from the bake sale, $1,329 from the basket raffle, $91 donation from Knights of Columbus from the sale of hot dogs and beverages, and $500 in matching funds from Catholic Financial Life. In total, the event raised $7,789 to help support our parish and the Faith Formation program! We are extremely grateful for the many delicious tortes and desserts that were served with the chili meals, and for the cash and in-kind donations received to help offset our expenses. A special thank you goes out to Catholic Financial Life for the matching funds.

Christmas Caroling

The Best Way to Spread Christmas Cheer Is Singing Loud for All to Hear!

Everyone is welcome for our annual Christmas Caroling on the 2nd Friday of December. Can’t sing? That’s ok! You can still join in the fun. The more the Merrier! Children 10 and under must be accompanied by an adult. We meet at church and afterwards enjoy some hot chocolate and treats in the church hall. Middle and high school formation students who wish to participate should sign up on the Disciple Maker Formation Sign Up Genius page.

Spring Brunch and Basket Raffle 

This fund-raising event has typically been held in March or April. If you are interested in spearheading this event,  please contact the Parish Office at 262-629-5240 or email

Knights of Columbus Events

'Drive for the Unborn' Golf Outing: Watch for details in early June for this event that takes place in July. 

Sheepshead Card Party: Held in February

'Drive for the Unborn'

Since 2012 our local Knights of Columbus – Unity Council #12743 from St. Lawrence & Resurrection Parishes has held a golf outing that has raised about $2000 annually.

These funds are typically donated to the Seed of Hope Center in West Bend, the Women’s Support Center of Milwaukee, several local K-C Ultra Sound Initiatives, projects sponsored or promoted by Pro-Life Wisconsin, and other similar Culture of Life causes and organizations in southeast Wisconsin.

Thank you to everyone who offered their support on Sat., July 27, 2024!

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