Join us as Kristin Bird from Burning Hearts Disciples helps us reawaken and revitalize our relationship with Jesus and His Church. Watch the video below for Kristin's invitation for you to attend.
For more information, go to or click here to sign-up to help.
The Lord is asking each of us to step out of our comfort zone and evangelize one-on-one.
In this Year of Mission, Catholics across the U.S. are saying “yes” to a special form of heart-to-heart accompaniment called the Walk With One initiative. This is your opportunity to be God’s instrument in the life of another person. Imagine how our families, neighborhoods, and country will be transformed if every active Catholic answers this call!
What can kids do at Mass? So much!
This Eucharistic Examen is designed to be used as part of your “Walk with One” journey. Throughout each stage of the journey, pray this examen to help you discern the path the Lord is calling you to follow in accompanying another person towards Jesus.
The Marian Route of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage passed through St. Lawrence, Hartford to St. Peter Church, Slinger on Thursday, June 20; and on to Milwaukee June 21–23, 2024.
At St. Lawrence (see more photos on the
St. Lawrence Facebook page)
At St. Peter (See more photos on the St. Peter Facebook page)
The National Eucharistic Congress was held in Indianapolis, IN, from July 17-21, 2024.
EWTN and Relevant Radio provided coverage of portions of the National Eucharistic Congress. Visit their sites for videos, articles and other resources.
Search YouTube to find the speeches given at the Congress. Below are links to a few.
For this year of Eucharistic Revival, we will be sharing a weekly question and answer from the book, Behold the Lamb of God, by Edward Sri. Watch your parish bulletin to learn more about this central mystery of our faith: Resurrection Parish bulletins | St. Lawrence Parish bulletins | St. Peter Parish bulletins
Presentations given by Fr. Justin Kizewski at our Parish Mission which was held Feb. 19-21, 2024.
(Night 3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration and a short talk from Deacon Nick Dhein about ways to pray during Adoration. Scroll forward in the video to find the beginning of the Mission talk.)
See pictures from the Arise Worship Night event held on Friday, December 1, 2023 on the Arise Milwaukee Facebook page.
Join the Spiritual Pilgrimage of a Lifetime. Journey alongside Fr. Jonathan Meyer as he walks through 33 Days to Eucharistic Glory—the first ever guide to Eucharistic Consecration. Every day, you’ll receive two incredible videos directly to your inbox: a brand new powerful reflection from Fr. Meyer and the original groundbreaking journey presented by Matthew Kelly. Sign up now for FREE!
Renew your understanding of Christ's gift of himself through the Blessed Sacrament when you watch Jesus and the Eucharist! This new seven-session series can be found on FORMED. Our cluster parishes have a membership with FORMED so it is free to all parishioners! Just register and login to start using this great faith formation resource now!
Lord Jesus Christ, you give us your flesh and blood for the life of the world, and you desire that all people come to the Supper of the Sacrifice of the Lamb. Renew in your Church the truth, beauty, and goodness contained in the Most Blessed Eucharist.
Jesus living in the Eucharist, come and live in me.
Jesus healing in the Eucharist, come and heal me.
Jesus sacrificing yourself in the Eucharist, come and suffer in me.
Jesus rising in the Eucharist, come and rise to new life in me.
Jesus loving in the Eucharist, come and love in me.
Lord Jesus Christ, through the paschal mystery of your death and resurrection made present in every Holy Mass, pour out your healing love on your Church and on our world. Grant that as we lift you up during this time of Eucharistic Revival, your Holy Spirit may draw all people to join us at this Banquet of Life. You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of the Eucharist, Pray for us.
What if everything the Catholic Church proclaimed about the Holy Eucharist was actually true? Would it have the power to change your life? “Dare to Believe” it would! Join Bishop Hying of the Diocese of Madison for this powerful film today! It will take just 15 minutes of your time to dare to believe it!
The Veil Removed is a short film that reveals the coming together of heaven and earth at Mass, as seen by saints and mystics, revealed by scripture and in the catechism of the Catholic Church.
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